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ProgrammingPythonPython Basic Tutorial

Using OOP, Iterator, Generator, and Closure in Python to implement common design patterns

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), iterators, generators, and closures are powerful concepts in Python that can be used to implement common design patterns. Here’s a brief overview of each concept and how they can be utilized in the context of design patterns:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): OOP is a programming paradigm that allows you to organize code into reusable objects that contain both data and behavior. It provides encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Design patterns often make use of OOP principles to structure code effectively.
  2. Iterators: Iterators are objects that implement the iterator protocol, allowing you to traverse through a sequence of elements. They provide a common interface to iterate over collections, such as lists, dictionaries, or custom objects. Design patterns like the Iterator pattern rely on iterators to access and manipulate elements of a collection uniformly.
  3. Generators: Generators are a type of iterator that simplifies the process of creating iterators. They allow you to define a function that behaves like an iterator using the “yield” keyword. Generators are useful for generating a sequence of values dynamically, especially when dealing with large or infinite sequences. They are commonly used in design patterns like the Iterator and Observer patterns.
  4. Closures: A closure is a function object that remembers values in its enclosing scope, even if they are not present in memory. It allows you to create functions that can access variables from the surrounding scope, even after the outer function has finished executing. Closures are often used in design patterns like the Factory and Decorator patterns to encapsulate and control access to variables.

To demonstrate the use of these concepts in implementing design patterns, let’s consider an example of the Observer pattern using OOP, iterators, generators, and closures:

Observer Pattern Implementation

Subject class (Observable)

class Subject:
def init(self):
self._observers = []

def register_observer(self, observer):

def unregister_observer(self, observer):

def notify_observers(self, data):
    for observer in self._observers:

Observer function (Closure)

def observer_func():
def observer(data):
print("Received data:", data)
return observer

Generator function (Iterator)

def data_generator():
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for item in data:
yield item

Client code

In the above example, the Subject class represents the observable object, which maintains a list of registered observers. The register_observer and unregister_observer methods manage the list of observers, and the notify_observers method notifies each observer by calling its associated closure.

subject = Subject()
observer1 = observer_func()
observer2 = observer_func()


generator = data_generator()
for item in generator:


for item in generator:

The observer_func function returns a closure that acts as an observer. It prints the received data when invoked.

The data_generator function is a generator that produces a sequence of data items.

In the client code, we create a Subject instance and register two observers. We then iterate over the data generator and notify the observers with each item. After unregistering one of the observers, we iterate over the remaining items and notify the observers again.

This example demonstrates how OOP, iterators, generators, and closures can be combined to implement a design pattern. It showcases the Observer pattern, but you can apply similar concepts to implement other design patterns as well.

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