Comparison Operators in python are pretty straight forward if you have any sort of background in Mathematics.
First we’ll present a table of comparison operators and then work through some examples:
Operator | Description | Exmple |
== | if two values of the operands are equal, then the condition becomes true | ‘1’ == ‘1’ is true |
!= | if two values of the operands are not equal, then condition becomes true | ‘1’ != ‘2’ is true |
> | If the value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right operand, then the condition becomes true. | 2 > 1 is true |
< | If the value of the right operand is greater than the value of the left operand, then the condition becomes true. | 2 < 1 is false |
>= | If the value of the left operand is greater or equal to the value of the right operand, then the condition becomes true. | 2 >= 1 is true |
<= | If the value of the right operand is greater or equal to the value of the left operand, then the condition becomes true. | 2 <= 1 is false |
Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> 1 <= 2 True >>> 2 >= 3 False >>> 1 == 1 True >>> 'a' == 1 False >>> type('a') == str True >>>
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